Sunday, October 20, 2019
Steven Scherling
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1. Remember who you were

2. Realize who called you and holds you

3. Reject those old useless ways

4. Return to the cross

5. Rely on Christ Verses to consider: Psa 103:12, Isa 1:18, Isa 53:6, Rom 4:7-8, Rom 8:1, Rom 5:19, Rom 10:3-4, 1 Co 1:30, 2 Co 5:21, Phl 3:9 

Questions to consider:

What are some of the subtle ways you tend towards a performance-based relationship with God?

How can you preach the gospel to yourself everyday?

What is the key to changing how you approach good works, from a point of "I have to" to "I want to"?

Sermond Notes (PDF)