Discipleship School


Church History

October 27, 2023

History sometimes gets a negative rap, but there’s nothing more exciting, more invigorating, and more hopeful than spending time studying the faithfulness of God throughout the last 2,000 years

What’s your story? Who are you, really? Like all people, we are each the product of generations that have gone before. History sometimes gets a negative rap, but there’s nothing more exciting, more invigorating, and more hopeful than spending time studying the faithfulness of God throughout the last 2,000 years.

This class will help you:

  1. appreciate & understand the important people, movements, and ideas that have shaped the Church as we know it today
  2. look for similar movements and patterns that have occurred over the centuries to get a better grasp on what God might be doing now
  3. Develop a deeper sense of God's sovereign guidance over his people
Church History